Queennie Ng
• Tax Manager
As the pace and complexity of tax laws continue to increase, Total Tax Services Sdn Bhd works with you to help tailor solutions using local knowledge and business experience. With achieving your tax objectives in today's ever-evolving business landscape, we assist our clients to have best decisions to strategically move their business forward
Our People

Tan Chun Guan
Tan Chun Guan is a licensed holder of a tax advisor, GST advisor. MYGCAP and ASEAN Chartered Accountant. He is a well-known speaker for tax and GST planning and other strategy and corporate topics.
MIA, Malaysia Institute of Accountant
CTIM, Chartered Tax Institute of Malaysia
MACS, Malaysian Association of Company Secretaries
MICCS, Malaysian Institute of Chartered Corporate Secretaries
MFPC, Malaysian Financial Planning Council
MIM, Malaysian Institute of Management
JCI, Junior Chamber International
Hua Zhong, Chinese Federation
ACCIM, The Associated Chinese Chambers of Commerce and Industry of Malaysia
BNI, Business Network International Queenstown
SME Association Malaysia
Tax Advisors and Auditors of over 30 Associations and Networks.

Queennie Ng
Ng Wei Qian is the tax manager of the Total Tax Services Sdn Bhd. She has over 5 years of tax experience. Her academic achievements included B.A. (Hons) in accounting and finance from the University of Greenwich in London, UK. She is also an HRDF licensed speaker.
Tax Investigate & Field Audit
Step 1: Tax Classification
Step 2: Determine Tax
Step 3: Determine Value
Step 4: Posted Account
Transfer Pricing
Transfer pricing (TP) is the setting of transfer prices for transactions relating to sales and purchases of goods, services, intangibles and financing provided between associated persons within a Group.
Business Process Solution
Performing tax health checks is the major requirements for a company long term journey. Focused on determining the accuracy of a income tax returns.
Join us and make your company a better place.